Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ok looks like things are a lil fucked up lol..MFA is postponing their December intake to January 08..well mayb its better for it to be in January i guess..more time 4 me to prepare. Hopefully there wont BE ANY MORE damn Postponing!

anyways just bought my MFS and Joystick yesterday

regret not buying this earlier! fkin awesome stuff LoL...

Here's a pic of the Joystick..

To those aspiring pilots make sure ya get yr hands on a MFS (Microsoft flight simulator)
Rm10 for a MSF2004 pirated cd ...Rm65-70 for the Attack3 Logitech Joystick..Pretty useful since the simulator has a "ground school" and a virtual instructor 2 guide and teach ya how 2 fly a plane

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