Anyways was at MFA (Malaysian Flying Academy) yesterday!...I actually wanted 2 go 2 APFT (Asia Pacific Flight Training) but it seems that i can only enter APFT on Feb 08. Whereas for MFA i would get in on the 10th Dec 07. So before making my decision on joining MFA i went 2 check it out. MFA looks pretty old if u ask me but it isnt too bad! plus they seem 2 be building a new block which i believe will be pretty cool 4 the cadets 2 live in! Over the months i heard some pretty bad stuff bout MFA. That got me worried 4 abit but it seems that they're improving them self. I hope they really do for my sake! and the sake of the other cadet pilots lol! Anyways, after surveying the place The Payment was done. Now im waiting 4 the offer letter for the 10th Dec batch. Im pretty pumped! but also nervous bout the loads of studying i'll have 2 do! Failing is not an option! God help me...LOL
Anyways here's some pics of their Aircraft that i took
The Piper Warrior
The Cessna Twin Engine
The Instruments of The Piper